About us
NBCPSS was established and registered in terms of the provisions of the Labour Relations Act of South Africa. The primary aim and purpose of the NBCPSS is to regulate, maintain, and enforce the standard terms and conditions as set out in the Main Collective Agreement (MCA). The Council’s mandate is set out in Section 28 of South Africa’s Labour Relations Act (LRA) of 1995, with key activities and guidance outlined in Section 33A thereof. The mandate is achieved through the adoption of a strategy which establishes and provides direction of the Council by assessing both the current challenges faced and where the organisation would like to be. Strategic plans include development and implementation of key policies for effective running of the Council as well as appointments of key human resources to enable strategy execution.
Our vision is to provide complete integrated solutions to all employers and employees in the private security sector by protecting them through regulation and standardisation of the terms and conditions of employment and enforcement thereof.
Our vision is to provide complete integrated solutions to all employers and employees in the private security sector by protecting them through regulation and standardisation of the terms and conditions of employment and enforcement thereof.
Our Team
Meet the Powerhouse Team behind the National Bargaining Council for the Private Security Sector: A passionate and innovative group working together to pave the way for positive change and foster a stronger, harmonious work environment in the Private Security Sector.
2022/2023 Council Members
The Labour Relations Act of 1995 allows for employer and labour organisations to establish a bargaining council for an industry and area. Through collective bargaining, trade unions and employer organisations are able to negotiate matters that are of mutual interest to the Private Security Sector. Below are organisations are currently parties to the Council.
Employer Organisations
Registered Trade Unions
Your Protection Is Our Mission
We are ready to partner with you to ensure compliance in the sector through understanding of sectoral practices and needs, educating the sector on Employment Laws, Main Collective Agreement (MCA) and the Constitution by employing competent personnel, implementing operational systems, effectively managing finances, and addressing service requirements.
Our Approach
Our major goal and purpose as a collective bargaining and conciliation organization is to keep labour peace in the sector over which it has jurisdiction by negotiating collective agreements on working conditions.